domingo, 28 de março de 2010

Anorexia fisiológica do primeiro ano

Um nome todo pomposo para dizer que a nossa filha não está a comer (como nós desejaríamos). Até há bem pouco tempo, nem sabia que isto existia. Ela sempre comeu tão bem, mas agora que se começou a movimentar mais, o apetite parece que se reduziu... Às vezes parece um saco em fundo e outras, nem se lhe dermos os talheres para as mãos ela come... Eis um artigo sobre o assunto (não concordo muito com o último parágrafo):

"Feeding Problems: refusing to eat

The problem
It's no coincidence that right around the time your child learns to walk — usually between 9 and 16 months — she becomes much less interested in food. When there's so much to discover, who has time to eat? (Keep in mind, though, that her growth has slowed and, in spite of how active she may be, her energy needs are less.)

What you can do
While your child needs some encouragement and structure when it comes to mealtimes (such as regular meals and healthy choices), William Sears, noted pediatrician and author of 23 books on childcare, says whether, when, and how much your child eats should ultimately be up to her. "Your child may eat well one day and eat practically nothing the next," says Dr. Sears, who recently co-authored The Family Nutrition Book (Little Brown, August 1999) with his wife, Martha.

Rather than get hung up on the fact that your child has refused everything you put in front of her today, consider her food intake over the course of one week. Parents are often surprised to find that their child's food intake balances out. Something must be fueling all that energy!

Don't forget to consider fluids in the food equation, too. Milk and juice can offer vital nutrients (though too much juice means too much sugar). But since too much fluid can also dampen an appetite, you may want to serve drinks after and between meals. And try to make sure she's not filling up on junk food. A daily multivitamin also provides added insurance that your child is getting the vitamins and minerals she needs but is not a substitute for good food. And if your toddler refuses to eat or drink anything for an entire day, call your pediatrician."

retirado daqui

Concerteza este artigo não contempla bebés que ainda amamentem. Muitos dos nutrientes que obtêm provêm do leite materno e é até encorajado por outros autores que se ofereça a mama previamente às refeições até aos 2 anos de vida. Quanto a sumos e vitaminas: a moyinha come fruta e toma sumos de fruta feitos na hora, que têm todas as vitaminas que precisa!

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