sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

1º dia de Escola!!!

Apesar da timidez inicial (visível na imagem), não tardou muito até se integrar com adultos e crianças. Adorou! Comeu bem, dormiu a sesta (???!!!!) e brincou ainda melhor! Até 2a feira, escolinha!!!

Penso que só terá estranhado mais (ela já tinha visitado a escola antes 2 vezes e adorado lá estar), porque ela referiu ao chegar que pensava que ia para o ATL onde tinha andado até então (apesar de eu previamente já lhe ter explicado que ela iria mudar de escola). Mas depois de conhecer o espaço e as pessoas, até nos mandou embora!

Achamos que o ambiente é fantástico, e mais adequado aos ritmos e necessidades de uma criança de 3 anos do que num J.I. convencional... Para quem não conhece a Pedagogia Waldorf, deixo aqui umas notas, retiradas de

"Waldorf education, also sometimes known as Steiner Education, is a specific approach to pedagogy that was developed by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner in 1919. Emphasizing creativity, learning-by-doing, craft, storytelling and a focus on the natural world, Waldorf is one of the fastest growing alternative school systems in the world, and is, ironically, surging in popularity in high-tech communities like Silicon Valley, as described in this New York Times article from 2011.

Rudolf Steiner believed that human development goes through very specific stages, and that in the first stage of early childhood (birth to age seven, when children lose their baby teeth), children learn best through play, exploration and imitation. Waldorf education heavily emphasizes maintaining natural daily and seasonal rhythms. Classroom activities typically involve baking, cooking, knitting, painting, telling stories, music, tending plants and playing outdoors, as well as cleaning, sweeping, washing dishes and other household ‘chores.’ Classroom toys and play structures are simple, unstructured, and made only from natural materials such as wood, silk and wool.

Waldorf is decidedly anti-plastic, anti-electronics and anti-screens (television, computers, phones, etc), so if your iPad is your toddler’s best friend – this is probably not the school for you."

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